In the week before Molly’s accident, she knew something was going to happen. She just didn’t know what. She said that there were all of these indicators during the week-long… [read more]
Survival of the Non-Fittest #10: Magic Bullet
With all of the people coming in and out of the rehab ward at Stanford, many of them touching and massaging Molly’s body, it opened up a new world of… [read more]
Survival Of The Non-Fittest #9: Chop Wood … Carry Water
There was a steady stream of people coming into rehab every day and night to see Molly now. The nurses were used to patients getting visitors, but only for a… [read more]
Survival Of The Non-Fittest #8: Slightly Shell-Shocked!
The first week in rehab … someone tried to move Molly by grabbing her halo and using it as a handle. It was painful when the halo was moved like… [read more]
Survival Of The Non-Fittest #7: See the Smile … and the Glint?
In the telling of this story … it is now 2 weeks since Molly crashed her car. Remembering those days … and all of the unusual events, experiences and emotions… [read more]
Survival Of The Non-Fittest #6: This is Survival Of The Non-Fittest
It’s the second week after Molly’s car crash. She fell asleep driving her car. Bad timing for a siesta … I’ll tell you that. One time I fell asleep driving… [read more]
Survival Of The Non-Fittest #5: Put On A Happy Face!
When Molly was moved to Stanford Hospital, one week after her accident, she was put into an intermediate intensive care ward where she lived for one more week. Not quite… [read more]
Survival Of The Non-Fittest #4: Hell Week Is Over!
Ok, we are almost at the Stanford Rehab ward now. But before we get there, I just have to tell you one more story about the first place we landed… [read more]
Survival Of The Non-Fittest #3: No Nice Comfy Life Back!
Those early days during the first week after Molly crashed her car were filled with people telling me my life would never be the same, and that it was very,… [read more]
Survival Of The Non-Fittest #2: Nowhere To Run … Nowhere To Hide
I feel like I need to give a little background before I go further into this, especially for those who have never met me, or Molly my wife, or who… [read more]